employee coaching

Employee Coaching & Development – It Doesn’t Have To Be This Hard!

Employee coaching and development is a tough task for many business owners and managers with no background in people management (and let’s be honest, it can be a struggle even for those who do!).

There is no shame in admitting this – most of us went into our roles because we were passionate about the subject matter, industry, or business, not because we wanted to manage people!

However, whether we like it or not, many of us end up in a position where we are responsible for the success of junior employees.

Many companies still only provide minimal training in how to effectively coach and develop direct reports, leaving it up to the new manager to figure things out by themselves.

The result can be long hours, stress, inconsistent performance outcomes, conflicts, and reduced engagement which far outweighs the higher pay grade offered by the management role!

At Peoplogica, we don’t believe in setting up new managers for failure. While we admit that people management isn’t an easy task, and the challenges aren’t an easy fix, we have developed and implemented a range of strategies that reliably make people management easier, more effective, and deliver greater outcomes, for a very reasonable investment.

Yes, they involve a bit more time to implement, yes, it is an additional financial cost, but the long-term benefits to you and the business far outweigh these and as time goes on, you will find the time and monetary investment shrinks.

Regular Employee Feedback

Setting up regular 1-on-1s, providing annual performance and remuneration reviews, and implementing tools such as 180-degree evaluation surveys to facilitate these are excellent ways to boost employee and management performance.

Employees enjoy having the opportunity to provide and receive feedback, to have a judgment-free zone where they can ask for any resources they need, and a set time each month when they know their manager is putting aside the time to listen to them.

Managers can incorporate this feedback into planning and their management approach – by having a greater idea of what each employee needs, they can utilise their time and resources more effectively.

The 180-degree survey requests feedback from both sides on the same questions, which shows gaps in perceived performance, engagement, and resources. This then facilitates constructive discussion on how to improve.

Psychometrically Driven Coaching

Coaching programs don’t have to be expensive, stressful, or involve external consultants. By using straightforward tools and templates, you can develop individual coaching plans for your employees which guide and direct conversations during regular feedback sessions.

Consider the below process:

  • Benchmark your existing job roles, identifying required behaviours and work approach.
  • Assess your employees using a validated psychometric assessment and compare their results against this benchmark.
  • Identify their strengths (where they align with the benchmark) and areas for development (where they don’t)
  • Debrief and discuss with the employee to look at how these strengths can be implemented, and how development areas can be managed.

This approach benefits both parties. For managers, it provides them with more targeted guidance on how to boost employee development. For employees, it makes them feel invested in and they receive the resources and training that is right for them.

Career and Succession Planning

Very few want to stay in the same role forever; if your employees feel like there is no chance of them gaining that promotion, pay rise, or transfer, they will start feeling neglected and look elsewhere.

Identifying their career interests and reviewing their behaviours and cognitive abilities is a great way of ensuring you keep them engaged, make them feel valued, and keep them long-term. It also provides insight on how to structure their coaching and development. Finally, it benefits the business long term as you promote people based on their capability and fit, rather than how much you like them personally.

Identifying the Right Management Style for Your Team

Some teams will require a more accountable and assertive leader – others will benefit best from a collaborative and nurturing approach.

But how do we identify what works best? There are several ways of doing so:

  • Psychometrically assessing your team and reviewing their traits: this will give insight into their optimum management style, and the amount and nature of guidance required.
  • Applying research-backed frameworks. An example of this is the Level Five Sales Management framework. Are you currently their ‘mate’ or ‘parent’, who means well but ultimately doesn’t hold them accountable? Should you be acting as more of an expert coach or performance partner to drive better outcomes? This will provide guidance in how to boost and implement more suitable management styles.

A common quote we abide by at Peoplogica is

“When I see a great manager, I know how important they are. When I see a great leader, I know how important I am”.

People management is a difficult process, but by implementing the above strategies, you can set up a more successful, easier, and proven method of approaching a very tough area.

If you’d like to learn more, please contact us at info@peoplogica.com.

Written by Peoplogica

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