Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is All The Rage – But Will It Help HR?
The quick answer is….apparently not! At Peoplogica we love technology, we love people analytics and we love innovation, but from
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Decision maker
Everyone makes decisions, but why are some better than others?
Every day we are confronted with a myriad of choices. What clothes should I wear? What should I make for
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Are We Really Serious About Developing Leadership Capability?
Every CEO I talk to says they want to develop leadership capability at all levels within their organisation…………..which makes sense,
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simulation testing
Simulation Testing
The hiring process is often full of subjective views on candidates that are more based on whether the hiring manager
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The Balance of Assertiveness
Assertiveness can often be confused with aggression but this is not the case. Assertiveness is a balancing act of being
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team work leadership
Leadership & Teamwork – Are they on your to-do-list?
One of the most critical areas of any business is leadership and teamwork. Without respected leaders and a culture of
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A Brief History of Typing
The first commercial typewriter was invented in 1866 by an American named Christopher Sholes. This manual typewriter used mechanical arms
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Artificial Intelligence
The Future of Robots in HR
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are proving to be exciting for some and a concern for others, especially in the HR
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screening selection
The Importance of implementing a robust Screening and Selection Process (& avoiding expensive mistakes!!)
Most managers consider themselves to be excellent recruiters and rave about how great they are at picking the right person for the
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training coaching
Coaching & Training. Don’t Waste Your Time
I've been involved in the delivery of coaching and training, professionally, for around 20 years. Some of it as a
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